

Optional Practical Training (OPT) is a benefit of your F-1 status. Below are some frequently asked questions about OPT.

如果你有问题,没有在这个网站上回答,请停止到ISO. 我们是来帮忙的!


  • 就业 may not begin until the EAD card is received. You may only work during the validity dates of your EAD card.
  • 可选实践培训的工作许可证将允许你只在与你的主修领域相关的工作中工作.
  • Once authorized for OPT, you may accept employment anywhere in the U.S. 当你 on OPT, you will still be in F-1 status.
  • Once authorized for OPT, you may accept employment anywhere in the U.S. 当你 on OPT, you will still be in F-1 status.
  • 如果你转到另一所学校或开始在另一个教育水平学习, then your OPT authorization will automatically be terminated.


  • 在OPT期间,你有一个 总计 你可能失业的90天. 一旦超过90天,你的OPT和F-1身份就会失效,你必须离开美国.S.
  • 如果你符合STEM OPT的资格, 那么在24个月的STEM OPT延期期内,你可以多享受60天的失业期.

  • 什么是OPT?

    • 选择性实习培训(OPT)是由国土安全部(DHS)通过美国公民局授予的临时工作许可 & 美国移民局(USCIS). 持有F-1签证的学生如果希望在完成学业后留在美国工作,则需要有这份工作授权.


    • 持有F-1签证状态的学生至少有一学年的时间可以申请OPT. 在美国度过的时间.S. in a status that allows for study in the U.S. other than F-1 can count towards this one-year requirement. 除了, you must be physically present in the U.S. when you file your OPT application to be eligible for OPT.

    How long does OPT allow me to work in the U.S.?

    • F-1 students are eligible for up to 12 months of OPT per degree level. 对于指定为符合stem条件的某些专业,可能会额外延长24个月.

    What do I get if my OPT is approved to show that I am eligible to work?

    • When approved for OPT by the Department of Homeland 安全, 你将获得一张工作许可文件(EAD卡),上面注明你可以开始工作和必须结束工作的日期. You can NOT start working before this start date. You also must receive your EAD card before you can begin working.

    Do I need to have a job to apply for OPT?

    • No. You can apply before you have a job, and you can change jobs while on OPT. Post-Completion OPT is not specific to an employer. 除了, OPT不局限于一个地理位置,你可以在美国的任何地方工作.

    Can I work in ANY job once my OPT is approved?

    • No. OPT就业必须与你的学习领域(你在网赌上分平台的专业)直接相关。. 例如,政治学专业的学生不能在服装店当售货员.)

    What happens if I can’t find a job after my OPT is approved?

    • 在你的EAD卡上的起始日期开始后,你开始累积失业时间. You are only allowed 90 days of 总计 unemployment while on OPT. Approved company vacation time does not count as unemployment time.

    我是否需要全职带薪工作,以避免日积月累 OPT失业?

    • No, you do not have to be working full-time or getting paid while on OPT. 然而, you must work a minimum of 20 hours per week. 你可以做多份工作/实习/志愿者职位,每周总计20小时或更多.
  • 我可以出国旅行吗.S. 而我的OPT申请还在审理中?

    • 在I-20上的项目结束日期之前,学生可以到美国以外的地方旅行.S. while their OPT application is pending and return to the U.S. 风险最小. 然而, 毕业后, ISO强烈建议学生在完成后OPT申请待批准期间离开美国.

    我可以出国旅行吗.S. 在我的OPT申请被批准后?

    Once your OPT application is approved and you have received your EAD card, you may travel outside of the United States, as long as you have the appropriate documents when you re-enter the U.S. You will need to have the following to re-enter the U.S. 国际旅行后:

    • A valid travel signature on your Form I-20
    • 有效护照
    • A valid F-1 visa stamp in your passport
    • 有效的EAD卡
    • 雇主出具的证明您将返回美国工作的信函.
  • 我可以多早申请OPT?

    • 你可以在你的课程结束日期(毕业日)前90天申请完成后OPT,在毕业日之后60天(在你的宽限期内)申请。.
    • 如果你符合STEM OPT的资格, 你可以在毕业后OPT工作许可结束前90天申请. 申请必须在OPT工作授权结束日期之前由USCIS收到.
  • 当持OPT或STEM OPT的F-1学生及时申请将签证状态更改为H1-B时, they are eligible for a cap-gap extension of their OPT. 上限缺口延期从当前OPT到期后的第二天开始,将OPT授权延长至9月30日. The H1-B visa status takes effect on October 1. Here are some answers to frequently asked questions.

    1. Can you tell me the status of my H1-B application?

    • No. We don’t receive information from USCIS about your H1-B application. Neither your case status nor case number appears in SEVIS. What you see in your SEVIS portal is what is in SEVIS. The H1-B application is between you and your employer. ISO没有参与其中. When you transition from the F-1 visa to the H1-B, 你的雇主成为你的担保人,大学将不再对你的签证状态有管辖权. 请向您的雇主或您的移民律师询问有关您的H1-B申请的任何问题. 如果你没有亲自收到I-797C收货通知和你指定的案件编号, 那么提交H1-B申请的律师应该有你的案件编号. You can track your case status online at www.美国入籍与移民服务局.政府.

    2. Can you check the status of my SEVIS Record?

    • What do you want to know about your SEVIS record? Have you already checked the portal to see what is there?

      If you need to reset your portal access, email iso@bobbyingano.com with the email address you wish SEVIS to send the reset link.

      Are you asking whether a cap-gap extension appears in your SEVIS record? This is the only thing we can check for you. 如果你想让我们重新打印你的I-20,请发邮件 iso@bobbyingano.com.

    3. 我申请了H1-B,但是在我的SEVIS记录上没有出现cap-gap延期.

    • 如果您及时提交了H1-B申请,上限缺口的延长将自动出现在您的SEVIS记录中. Your employer should have filed this on April 1. 如果你的雇主等了太久, 它不会及时提交,您将没有资格获得cap-gap延期. If the cap-gap extension does not show in SEVIS, we can request a data fix based on evidence to have it appear in SEVIS. 请求数据修复, 你必须提交I-797收到通知的复印件,证明你及时提交了H1-B申请. 请将I-797收货通知的扫描件发给我们,我们将向SEVP提交请求. SEVP will review the evidence and make a judgment on your request. 如果得到批准, they will add the cap-gap extension to your SEVIS record, and then we can print out an I-20 with the cap-gap extension on it.

    4. 如果我的H1-B申请没有在抽签中被选中,我的帽缺口延期会发生什么?

    • 如果你的H1-B在抽签中没有被接受,你的申请被拒绝, cap-gap延期将终止. 在这种情况下, 你的OPT授权会在原来的截止日期结束(如果还没有结束)或者在你的申请被拒绝时结束(如果原来的截止日期已经过去)。. There is no grace period following the termination of a cap-gap extension. ISO encourages students to have alternate plans, 因为接受的H1-B申请数量有严格的限制. 许多请愿被拒绝只是因为达到了限额,他们没有被选中. H1-B申请, 即使中了彩票, 必须由美国移民局裁决吗, so there is no guarantee the petition will be approved.

    5. 如果在9月30日之后我发现待决的H1-B申请被拒绝了怎么办?

    • 根据新的USCIS指南, any student who has a pending H1B receipt past September 30th, 在否认, 他们的记录会自动完成并追溯至9月30日吗. The student will not be awarded a 60-day grace period. 如果你有一个未决的H1B收据,但如果H1B被拒绝,你仍然希望选择将你的记录转移到一个新的大学, you must submit transfer paperwork prior to September 30th.